Custom Software Development + Code Review
As part of the custom software development Archaeologic offers, we are able to provide a variety of services tailored to each client’s needs. We can supply clients with the important foundation necessary for a maintainable code base that supports continuous integration, which includes version control via git, a cross-platform build system, a test suite, and hypertext markup language (HTML) documentation. We also are able to increase the client’s code modularity by introducing Fortran submodules; parallelize the code using MPI or coarray Fortran; provide for future extensibility through object-oriented programming; improve code clarity and performance through the introduction of functional programming features such as Fortran’s pure subprograms; and increase the code’s flexibility through the introduction of advanced object-oriented design patterns
Case Studies
We offer live training sessions, customized to our client’s needs. We can cover topics such as the following, with examples and exercises tailored to application and domain of interest.
Agile Software development processes
Version control concepts, techniques and practices with git
Software testing strategy and design, with a focus on supporting software quality assurance and continuous improvement
Software design patterns, to facilitate common understanding and expectations across and between software projects
Modern Fortran features, possibly contrasting with obsolescent features
Parallel programming in Fortran
Software documentation principles, with emphasis on audience and methods
Open-Source Software Support
We are often hired to add features or fix bugs in open-source software that supports modern Fortran. The packages include: